
Posts Tagged ‘money’

Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,  “If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear,” Ensign, Nov. 1995, 36

“Avoid excessive debt. Necessary debt should be incurred only after careful, thoughtful prayer and after obtaining the best possible advice. We need the discipline to stay well within our ability to pay. Wisely we have been counseled to avoid debt as we would avoid the plague. President J. Reuben Clark fearlessly and repeatedly counseled the members of the Church to take action: ‘Live within your means. Get out of debt. Keep out of debt. Lay by for a rainy day which has always come and will come again. Practice and increase your habits of thrift, industry, economy, frugality.’

Elder Perry just sums things right up.  I love this wise counsel!  As a Wife and Mother, I feel the responsibility of keeping our family in check with these principles.  I’m and the one who pays the bills and also pays for all the “extras” and “wants”.  I find that it is so important to pay special attention to this because he is quoting President Clark.  They really mean what they say!  Debt really is a heavy weight and sometimes I don’t realize it until it’s gone and I have freedom to put up a reserve (savings, food, and or clothing) for that rainy day that will come.  May we all live by this counsel!

🙂  The Wife

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